Security Issues of Edge Computing

1 minute read


Edge computing is expected to undergo explosive growth over the next few decades, due to the developments in 5G and Internet of Things (IoT).

Despite the benefits edge computing provide, there are numerous and complex security issues surrounding the topic. These include:

  1. Architecture - For the cloud and edge to communicate securely, the cloud to edge data encryption should be ensured - it is much more difficult for the cloud to send data securely.
  2. Fragmentation - All IoT devices need to adhere to privacy policies that gives network administrators oversight over their data. However, it would be an enormous challenge to impose universal policies on endless number of IoT devices.
  3. Physical security - The edge devices will be vulnerable to theft and infiltration which might cause further security issues.
  4. Sprawl - Over time, the number of devices will grow and it would be a challenge for administrator to understand its constraints and to avoid overcrowding.
  5. User error - Given the endless array of devices, it will be hard for experts to foresee the security risks.

On the other hand, there are some security advantages of edge computing. Due to its decentralised nature, it would be harder for hackers to infiltrate this heterogeneous system.

ToDo: Network engineers would have to apply traditional security principals to systems outside their networks - from perimeter scanning to securing the software itself. The focus should be on controlling these devices through an automated patching.


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