December Technology News

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December’s Tech Updates

[December 5th, 2020]

Brazilian soy farmers try 5G technology with Huawei equipment

  • Who: Brazil’s Goias and Huawei
  • What: The Brazilian farm state rolled out a pilot project on Thursday to increase productivity and take fast action against disease using fifth-generation technology and equipment provided by China’s Huawei Technologies Co.
  • When: 3rd of December, 2020
  • Why: Because the 5G communications will allow producers to improve crops through the collection of information by sensors placed in the fields - by sensors placed in the fields, on harvesters and drones, so that it can be readily crossed with meteorological and humidity data.
  • How:
    • Combining fast broadband communications with real time cloud data processing will give farmers the information so they can rapidly take actions against diseases and other threats to their crops.
    • The pilot was launched in the soy-farming town of Rio Verde, and uses a 5G network built by telecom company Claro, a unit of Mexico’s América Móvil.
  • So?: Brazil’s government decided not to ban the use of Huawei equipment in next year’s auction of 5G frequencies spectrum; telecommunications regulator Anatel has proposed rules that do not exclude the Chinese Company.
  • Link to the article

[December 9th, 2020]

EU sets out search ranking guidelines for Google, Microsoft, platforms

  • Who: The European Union
  • What: European Commission guidelines have been set out, making Google, Microsoft and other tech giants to be more transparent in how they rank online search results.
  • When: 7th of December, 2020
  • Why:
    • Because smaller rivals and some companies have long complained about arbitrary and opaque practices, as it affects how their products and services are ranked in search results.
    • Also, the standard for algorithmic ranking transparency and will increase fairness in the online platform economy, which drives innovation and welfare for millions of Europeans.
  • How: Vestager, A Danish politician will on Dec. 15 present draft rules to rein in tech giants - setting out a list of dos and don’ts and increasing their responsibility to take down illegal and harmful content from their platforms, with fines and other sanctions to encourage compliance.
  • So?: The companies will have to identify the algorithmic parameters that determine ranking and to share them with companies.
  • Link to the article

[December 11th, 2020]

Art in the age of machine intelligence By media artist Refik Anadol

  • The talk explores the melding of art with artificial intelligence, delivered by a media artist Refik Anadol.
  • He claims: Data can only become knowledge when it’s experienced, and knowledge and experience can take many forms.

Project 1: Archive Dreaming

  • One of the first AI-driven public installations in the world, exploring approximately 1.7 million documents that span 270 years.
  • The resulting work was a user-driven immersive space that challenges immutable concepts of the archive, while destabilizing archive-related questions with machine learning algorithms.
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Project 2: Machine Hallucination

  • An exploration of time and space, challenging the conventional definition of ‘space’ as the boundless, experienced through NYC public photographic archive.
  • Represents a wide-ranging selection of architectural styles and movements and reveals the hidden connections between these moments in history
  • Explores the ways in which knowledge can be experienced spatially.
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Project 3: Ted talk Archive

  • They collected 7705 ted talks, extracted 487,168 sentences, to further extract into 330 unique clusters of topics like nature, global emissions, extinction, computation and etc.
  • These clusters are then connected to each other by an algorithm, that generated 113 million line segments, which reveal new conceptual relationships.
  • The result is a space where you interact with various feelings attributed to learning, remembering, questioning and imagining all at the same time, expanding the power of the mind.
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[December 14th, 2020]

Big tech firms to face 6% fines if breach new EU content rules - A followup

This article is a follow-up of 9th’s news.

  • Who: The European union and big tech firms such as Google and Facebook.
  • What: Tech giants will be fined up to 6% of turnover if they do not tackle illegal content and reveal more about advertising on their platforms under draft EU rules.
  • When: The EU draft rules known as the Digital Services Act (DSA will be published on Dec. 15.
  • Why:
    • The strict rule comes amid growing regulatory scrutiny worldwide of tech giants and their control of data and access to their platforms.
    • It is to address public policy concerns and the systemic risks posed by their services.
  • How:
    • The companies will be required to publish details of their online advertisers and show the parameters used by their algorithms to suggest and rank information.
    • Then, independent auditors will monitor compliance with the EU enforcements.
  • So?:
    • However, the draft rules could take a year or more to come into force as they have to take into account feedback from EU countries and the European Parliament.
  • Link to the article

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