HackerRank Interview Preparation Kit

1 minute read


  • Python implementation will be linked below.
Chapter Sub-Chapter Level
Arrays 2D Arrays 1
  Arrays: Left Rotation 1
  New Year Chaos 2
  Minimum Swaps 2 2
  Array Manipulation 3
Dictionaries and Hashmaps Ransom Note 1
  Two Strings 1
  Sherlock and Anagrams 2
  Count Triplets 2
  Frequency Queries 2
Sorting Bubble Sort 1
  Mark and Toys 1
  Comparator 2
  Fraudulent Activity Notifications 2
  Counting Inversions - Merge Sort 3
String Manipulation Making Anagrams 1
  Alternating Characters 1
  Sherlock and Valid String 2
  Special String Again 2
  Common Child 2
Greedy Algorithms Minimum Absolute Difference in an Array 1
  Luck Balance 1
  Greedy Florist 2
  Max Min 2
  Reverse Shuffle Merge 3
Search Hash Tables: Ice Cream Parlor 2
  Swap Nodes [Algo] 2
  Pairs 2
  Triple Sum 2
  Minimum Time Required 2
  Maximum Subarray Sum 3
  Making Candies 3
Dynamic Programming Max Sum Array 2
  Abbreviation 2
  Candies 2
  Decibinary Numbers 3
Stacks and Queues Balanced Brackets 2
  Queues: A Tale of Two Stacks 2
  Largest Rectangle 2
  Min Max Riddle 2
  Castle on the Grid 2
  Poisonous Plants 3
Graphs Roads and Libraries 2
  Find the nearest clone 2
  BFS: Shortest Reach in a Graph 3
  DFS: Connected Cell in a Grid 3
  Matrix 3
Trees Tree: Height of a Binary Tree 1
  Binary Search Tree: Lowest Common Ancestor 1
  Tree: Is This a Binary Search Tree? 2
  Tree: Huffman Decoding 2
  Balanced Forest 3
Linked List Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list - C 1
  Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list - Java 1
  Inserting a Node Into a Sorted Doubly Linked List 1
  Reverse a doubly linked list 1
  Find Merge Points of Two lists 1
  Linked Lists: Detect a cycle 1
Recursion and Backtracking Fibonacci Numbers 1
  Davis’ Staircase 2
  Crossword Puzzle 2
  Recursive Digit Sum 2
Miscellaneous Flipping Bits 1
  Time Complexity: Primality 2
  Friend Circle Queries 2
  Maximum Xor 2

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