[Coderbyte] Reverse Polish Notation (Python)

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Problem Statement

Reverse Polish Notation: It is a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands. Watch this video for more detailed explanation.

For example, given 3 4 + 2 * 1 +, the operation would be: (3+4) *2 +1 = 15. Whenever we see a number, we push to stack and if an operator, pop and perform the calculation and push it back to stack.


Example 1

Input:Β "3 4 + 2 * 1 +"
Output: 15

Example 2

Input:Β "3 5 + 7 2 – *"
Output: 40


  1. Create a stack
  2. When its a number, append to stack.
  3. If it is an operation, pop and evaluate the statement, then pop back in

Code Implementation

def polish_eval(strArr):
    split_arr = strArr.split()
    stack = []

    for i in split_arr:
        if re.match ([\+\-\*\/], i):
            val2 = stack.pop()
            val1 = stack.pop()
						var = str(val1)+i+str(val2)
    return stack[0]

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