[Other] Missing Number and Duplicates

2 minute read


Table of Contents

Q: Find a missing number and duplicates in a given array

  1. Find a missing number in a given array
    1.1 Example
    1.2 Code Implementation
  2. Find duplicates in a given array
    2.1 Example
    2.2 Code Implementation
  3. Find a missing number and duplicates in a given array
    3.1 Example
    3.2 Code Implementation
    3.3 Time Complexity
    3.4 Space Complexity

Find a missing number in a given array


Input Output
[1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 7] missing = 3
[8, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5] missing = 1

Code Implementation

  • Uses the subtraction of the correct array sum and the given array sum to find the missing number.
  • The sum of the correct array will always be greater, hence the full_sum - array_sum.
def findMissing(arr):
    arr_sum = 0
    full_sum = 0

    # find the sum of a given array
    for i in arr:
        arr_sum += i

    # find the sum of a full array
    for j in range(0,len(arr)+1):
        full_sum += j

    print (full_sum - arr_sum)
    return full_sum - arr_sum

Q2. Find duplicates in a given array


Input Output
[0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 5]) dup = 4
[1, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5] dup = 7

Code Implementation

  • Also uses the subtraction between the correct array sum and the given array sum.
  • This time, as the duplicated sum will be greater (due to the duplicated number), the subtraction is done the other way around.
  • To find the original array sum, it finds the maximum of the array and uses that as a range for addition.
def find_duplicate(arr):
    arr_sum = 0
    full_sum = 0

    # find the sum of a given array
    for i in arr:
        arr_sum += i

    # find the original array sum
    for j in range(0, max(arr)+1):
        full_sum += j

    # finding duplicate by subtracting the original (correct sum) from duplicated sum
    print (arr_sum - full_sum)
    return  arr_sum - full_sum

Find a missing number and duplicates in a given array


Input Output
[1, 4, 2, 5, 4] missing = 3, repeated = 5
[0, 5, 2, 6, 5, 1, 7, 3] duplicate = 5, missing = 4

Code Implementation

Initial thoughts

  • *[Sorting & flagging] when there exists a missing number & repeated (comparison with sorted array)
    • Pro: Ease of implementation
    • Con: long running time, comparison taking time if the item is in the end of the array
  • [Sets] to find missing
    • Con: it removes duplicates hence doesnโ€™t do its job
duplicateAndMissing =  [0, 5, 2, 6, 5, 1, 7, 3] # duplicate = 5, missing = 4

def find_missing_duplicates(duplicateAndMissing):
    missing = 0
    dup = 0

    for i in range(len(duplicateAndMissing)-1):
        if i != duplicateAndMissing[i]:
            missing = i
            dup = duplicateAndMissing[i]

    print ("Missing: "+str(missing))
    print ("Duplicate: "+str(dup))

Time complexity

  • variable declaration: O(1) * 2
  • Python sort(): O(n log n)
  • For and if loop:
    • For loop will execute n times, hence O(n)
    • The inner if condition, which is a comparison, is done in constant time, C.
    • Hence the for and if loop: O(n)
  • = O(1) + O(nlogn)+ O(n). By the definition of the Big-O, the total time complexity is O(nlogn).

Space Complexity

  • The space complexity needed for the above code would be:

    4 * len(arr) = 4n bytes 4 * 3 bytes for variable missing, dup and i

  • Hence the total memory required will be (4n+12), hence O(n) - in other words, a linear space complexity.

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