Elements of Local Optimisation
5. Elements of Local Optimisation
Learning outcomes
- We define an error function and we try to minimize them by defining an algorithm that minimizes it
- Describe the difference btwn zero, first and second order optimisation
- Apeopley gradient descent to a given object function we gonna use this all the time
- Choose and appropriate Step size for gradient descent.
Optimisation Goal
- It is about finding the minimum of the function
- For instance, we have 2x2 + x has a single minimum what’s special about this minimum is the fact that the derivate of the stationary points are zero. Hence, the tangential slope is a straight line
- Derivative of a point is slope of the tangential line going through
that point
- Interesting is that it gives you an idea where the function grows
- When the gradient is 0 – tangential line is straight and the
function hasn’t grown
- That is the point we are looking for !! either a min or max.
Local methods
- Analogy of ski – we don’t know the function we are minimizing. Only thing we have is the local info aka the view around us.
- We dunno what the mountain looks like but we can see around us, and knowing we wanna get to bottom, we can look around for local info - It will give you a direction to take to get down.
- The point is, it’s the steepest that gets you the quickest – ideally is the best
- By looking at the surrounding area, you can do 3 things
- Zero order – any direction that’s going down, no matter the steepness
- First order – requires first derivative of the function–
derivatives are about the local behaviour. It tells you what the
direction around the point is where the function is growing the
fastest – the thing that points in the direction of the fastest
ascent is gradient
- Gradient of the function = vector of partial derivative
- We want anti gradient, which is gradient-1
- Second order - it computes the optimal step, but is computationally expensive
<Gradient descent>
0. Zero order
- We don’t even compute the derivative; we just pick any direction that looks like its gonna improve → inefficient
1. First order – gradient descent – use the most
- We are given an initial point xt, and we want to reach the better point.
- In 2d you can go left or right. In more direction, the anti -gradient will be the direction of the steepest
step = learning rate.
- We start with random xt, and it will give some initial error, and we
change parameters to minimize this
- every time I start randomly, I start at a different initial state.
- The next point = current point – n (step parameter: step size)* substitute current point in derivative of f(xt)
- Continue until the gradient is small enough – close to 0 – which is
close to min or max
- Computing gradient is cheap enough to do it
2. Second order method -newtons method
- Uses the second order expansion of the function, → Taylor’s expansion
- If we compute the second order derivative, you can actually solve the eq for the optimal step
- Computing this is computationally expensive → instead of computing the optimal step, its faster to do suboptimal
Preliminaries - Partial derivatives
- after doing the partial derivation of each one in respect to x, y,z combine it to a vector this is the gradient
Question Example - The current point is <1,0>, compute the next point following gradient descent on the function
f(x,y) = x3 + 2y2 - y with step size 0.1.
Learning rate (n) – this decides how fast the network learns.
- The learning rate controls how much to change the weights by.
- Small learning rate – weights need to see the inputs more often before they change significantly – takes longer to learn. BUT its more stable and resistant to errors and inaccuracies.
step size n of 0.1 and 0.14
- We get a decrease until we reach 0, although we will never hit 0
since it is a continuous space
- Need some sort of threshold that makes me happy stop!
- When you increase the step size - you could just end up to the other side too quickly, so it goes back and forth, and it doesn’t reach the minimum
- → Step size has to be small enough to not diverge, but big enough to not take too long
Local Minima
- We don’t know the shape of the whole function – it may have more
than one minimum
- Global min – to find global one over the generic graph
- Local min – the first stationary point that it stops at
- !! Initial point is important because for each area you are in, you gonna get a diff min every time I start randomly, we start at a diff initial state. Then do gradient descent, find minimum and evaluate it, and do it again. Then we look at what’s the best. !!!!
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