🏰 Renders the landmarks of Leeds! - Millennium square, a carousel and Leeds University’s Bacon statue

The Leeds application renders a visual scene of Leeds by creating an interactive animated scene using OpenGL and C++. It provides a certain level of user interaction through two sliders which manipulates the camera angle and the horse speed.

➰ Project Duration

November, 2019 - December 2019

🎨 Objects & OpenGL techniques / 사용된 OpenGL 기술

  • A user interactive application - change the view angle, change the speed of the moving horse.
    1. Leeds city council - texture mapping, light and material, made up of convex objects
    2. Bacon statue - rotating, material
    3. Christmas trees - instancing, material
    4. Carousel - spinning, material, motion, complex rotation
    5. Moving horse - user interaction with horse leg, rotating, hierarchical modelling

🐾 Examples / 사용 예제

  • Overall

  1. Leeds city council

  1. Bacon statue

  1. Christmas trees

  1. Carousel

  1. Moving horse

  • Different view angles

📚 Stack / 개발 환경

  • C++
  • OpenGL - An application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics

💡 What I learned

  • A hands-on learning of OpenGL, Graphical rendering of a scene and modular file structure.
  • Designing of various objects using convex objects and/ or GLUT objects.
  • Various OpenGL methods including texture mapping, light and material setup, rotation, scaling and transitions;
  • Hierarchical placing of objects to create a movement and a hierarchical rotation.
  • Matrix calculation and instancing of convex coordinates and vertex-normal calculation.

⚒ Installation / 실행 방법

module add qt  

📜 License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

You can check out the full license here

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