
3 minute read


Augmenting human intelligence

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  • Intelligent system to make smarter decisions, preserve knowledge, learn from experience and change behaviour
  • This model is understanding the users and how we gonna adapt to those users
  • Also understanding the connectivity, taking into account the world and users
  • Ideas of nudging – can nudge the ppl to do better things – amazon nudging us to buy stuff

## The personalisation buzz

  • Having a computer system to adapt to users
    • Tailored to what we need, want and best fits current state
  • Human to human interaction and personalisation is natural
    • Speaking very slow
    • Recommending what to buy
  • BUT can we adapt the human AND the computer and can this be personalised?
  • How to make systems that are not personalised to personalised.
    • Minerva – not tailored - how do we tailor the website to suit each student?

Past: Need for personalisation

  • Whenever something is modified in its configuration or behaviour by information about the user, this is personalisation
  • Industries should not think if to personalise or not, instead u gotta think HOW you are gonna personalise !!
  • If we are delivering info, we need: right info to the right person, at right time in right way
    • right !!! is the smartness

Why do we need personalisation?

  • Key factors – right right right
  • Available info
    • Heterogeneity – is overwhelming so gotta help them find the right info
    • Noise
    • Constraints – bandwidth and time – how much you can absorb all these information
    • To narrow down the information
  • People
    • In the past, we had program used by typical users used uniformly. However, the systems we use, we have massive users with different capabilities and background, So you need to adapt
    • different task, goal, intentions
    • different context – in different settings and what info
    • Affective states – emotional. Not exactly clear what effect it has

Two Types of personalisation

  • Adaptable systems (customisable)
    • User is able to modify aspects of the system to suit their preferences
      • I wanna get these types of news and you set up a filter
    • Limitation – they don’t know what and how to customize
    • Plus – interface wise, to get the user to pick and mix
  • Adaptive systems
    • Automatically changes their behaviour due to smart engine independent of user specifications
      • YouTube recommendation
    • !! Core part of this module
  • Intermediate cases
    • System proposes possible adaptations and user decides to accept

User adaptive system & AI

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  • No human
    • Ai could be just one – simple automated intelligence
    • Capable of taking decisions itself – autonomous intelligence

Example: user-ADAPTABLE interface

  • Web browser - Can change layout and what to see, choose content
  • Human Computer Interaction

!! Example; user ADAPTIVE interface

  • Start menu in windows. It narrow downs the program of what programs user consume and it picks that as the users preferred option
  • Limitations – too many and not adaptive, hence not regular
    • Narrowing down the users, and it takes long to find it
    • Then go back to customisation and ask them
    • We use spatial memory to know whereabouts stuff are – causes confusion. For e.g in different languages and you uses spatial memory

More recent examples

  • MoCoMapps
    • Massive amt of information of cities and how to encourage ppl to contribute to it. How social technologies can help cities be smarter – civic engagement, tourism,
    • Customizable interface
    • Specifies the types of data –> customization
    • It takes what’s important for the person and recommends it – adaptive
  • Ecoach
    • Mid agent of Minerva – you register and fill in personal info
    • Asks to do a psychometric test to identify learners’ motivational factors
    • Links to uni’s student information page
    • And it gives simple adaptations such as reminders and feedbacks
    • Recommendations of adaptive content in a motivational way
  • Google map – if you rate then it gives you recommendations of new places you might like

Personalisation from consumer perspective

  • 80% of consumers stick to a business if the system is personalised
  • Personalisation improves the customer experience
  • What do they see as personalisation?
    • Customisation - something suited to me so I’m more interested
    • Service – companies will know what I want and help w the experience
    • Discount and offers – personalised offers
    • Specific products that are tailored to them
    • Convenience with user
  • What do we notice here?
    • This is looking at the positives – and that the data collected is used for their convenience
  • Top personalisation experiences
    • Coupon, discounts - 31% that provides discounts due to personalisation
  • Top company - Amazon
  • What do you want to see in personalised message?
    • Recognition of who they are
    • Help them buy stuff
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Personalisation of business perspective

  • 50% of companies are providing personalisation
  • What could be the possibility of personalisation?
    • Recommender, personal shopper, diagnostic, filter, teacher user adaptive intelligent system

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