User models and profiles (representation)
What can be modelled in a user model/ user profile
- Knowledge
- Interests – came from recommender system, profile of the user
- Goals and tasks
- Background
- Individual traits
- Context of work more context adaptive
User models – three broad questions
- *What is being modelled?
- The nature of information
- *How is this information represented?
- In what structure
- How to construct and maintain these user models?
1. Knowledge
- Most popular in learner modelling in adaptive education system, and could vary how we represent it.
- We need to have a domain of area we want to map. Domain should be supplied to the system; as a list or scalar models
Scalar models
- Scalar models – categories, numbers which is associated
- e.g. in evaluating language proficiency
- Categorical - Unix commands (novice - beginner - intermediate-expert) qualitative
- Numeric – No.of years doing x (0,1,2,3,4) quantitative
- Based on these values you can assume the proficiency / knowledge
Structural models – graphs
- In graphs, we have:
- Nodes – key entities and concepts in the world
- Links – relevant nodes, or can name the links
- and create a graph based upon it
- Have graphs from outside and check if user knows these concepts, and
we overlay the graph model on top each other
- We overlay user/ learner knowledge with the domain knowledge (or expected expertise)
Counting the relationship and checking it and based on how many we know we overlay on top of entities, and we count how many concepts each person know
- E.g.
- User knowledge - indicating something about the user and the info that user may know. So the fact that she’s German
- Expected knowledge – Since she is German, so she’d know BMW
Exercise – User model of UoL
- Wikipedia has a vast amt of information. And wiki takes the knowledge and plots wikidata (as a model)
- Steps
- Build a graph model for domain knowledge (what are the nodes and how they are linked) structure
- Your own model will be an overlay model over the domain model
- Types of knowledge – declarative vs procedural
- * Declarative (what we cover) – represented by networks of concepts (i.e. facts and their relationships)
- Procedural – represented as a set of problem-solving rules
- Knowledge model of UoL
- Binary (do they know? Yes or no)
- Categories (how well do you know (+++ know well, ++ some knowledge, - no)
2. Interests
- Most popular in information-oriented systems (e.g. recommendation
- News rec, item rec, interesting travel guide
- Could have shallow or deep level like user model
- Interest is just a list of keywords. Can aggregate the list of
keywords that indicates user’s interest
- E.g. news - What kind of news user is reading; can look at title, metadata and gain list of words. user interest could be most frequent word!! key word based
- Pull it further to concept based
- Those keywords to be a concept, you need a knowledge beyond/ behind, which comes from knowledge source. (wikidata, google)
- Have external knowledge graph, you mark that word or phrase and map it to a concept; you have a lot around that concept gives richness around that word
- It gives richness. So next time you read about oil crisis you can approximate and pull another news coz you know that user is interested
- Concept level is more powerful in reasoning hence adaptation– if I have concept and relationship you can jump from to another
- Can stay in keyword and look for synonyms, and could be
integrated within that business
- Either manually create the list of synonyms or use existing source of synonyms
Interests II
- If we have concepts, we will overlay on top of concepts;
- We don’t know if they know it or not, we know that these interests them
concepts and knowledge
- Using overlay model over a structure
- Knowledge - Can have all the keywords of the system and overlay those with user’s interest
- Concepts – have all the concepts and their relationships in
the system and overlay
- Smartness of having knowledge behind it is that, if I know user has interest in certain nodes, you can go up and approximate and if the users are interested
- Challenge – you usually have a limited interaction with the user
- Have short session w the system and very little detail about their interests sparsity
- You may not have the exact items user are interested; hence you need
some sort of similarity to provide to user
- To overcome So in concept, connected node; for list of knowledge, similar words
- Some form of categorization of the list
Exercise – user model on interests in Leeds
- Taxonomy limits the knowledge to those that has inheritance (instances); but makes it easier to process
- Problem with the model
- Graphs are complex coz it has relationship + goes up. When you pull external taxonomy, it could be very rich. So you need to know how far up you’ll go
- External source could be noisy and has limited data
- Users don’t talk in terms of groups, and human settlement so if system starts using this it can be an understanding challenging
3. Goals and tasks
- Most challenging/ changeable as goal/ task recognition is difficult
- Usually modelled with a ‘goal catalogue’ approach (predefined list/ structure of user goals and tasks)
- To mark users goal somewhere in the catalogue then activate appropriate adaption (e.g. a learning system, help system)
- Have goals and sub goals, with a tree structure
Challenge is to find where the user is in the goal map and how far they’ve accomplished
- e.g. SQL tutor
- There’s a simple goal on top and based on tasks users have accomplished, identify the user goal
Goals and tasks II
- Using an overlay model with predefined goals or tasks
- How to approximate that they’ve accomplished the goal?
- Graphs or lists
- Goal system with Bayesian network – and use some probabilities to except to what extent users have gone over the goals and sub goals
Exercise – transport guide
- Q - What will the user model look like if we want a ‘transport
guide’ software to adapt to the user when advising on
how to get around in Yorkshire?
- Goal – types of transport
- Sub goal – tasks to use the transport
- Goal – locations you wanna visit
- Sub goal – how to get there
- Goal – types of transport
## 4. Background
- Relatively stable information about their
previous experiences
- Profession, experience of work in related areas, opinions
- Demographic information – name, age, sex, nationality
- To put it in some form of category
- Common to use user’s background for stereotype modelling (not overlay)
- Challenge? Privacy !! hence not popular
5. Individual traits
- Relatively stable characteristics of the user info which together
define a user as an individual
- Characteristics such as cognitive styles, learning styles, personality etc
- Can be based on psychometric tests
- E.g. If someone is intrinsically or extrinsically motivated
- Intrinsically – turn on values, e.g. if I do well my fam will do well
- Extrinsically – just wanting awards
- Personality model
- E.g. Introvert, extrovert, fast thinker, future thinker
- Personality is useful when: you are trying to convince someone. If they are future/ present thinker you recommend it but tweak it.
6. Context of work
- Context awareness is paramount for mobile devices
- Is more like a holistic model
- User model is more individual, but to personalise we need to know
the individual AND the world
- Hence contextual awareness
- Early work started from platform adaptation issues, then has grown to mobile and ubiquitous adaptive systems
Now extending to other dimensions of the context such as:
- User location – where is the user and what do I know about
that. i.e noise level
- E.g. Delivering video-based lecture I a mobile device and how long students are gonna consume the video. In a café, room, etc. It’s not a desktop app so we need to change sth. One of the things is to break it down to a smaller entity
Physical environment - Is it a noisy environment? Lighting?
Social context – in Facebook recommendations based on what your friends are doing. Recommendation based on your social cloud. Could be used for movement, who’s nearby and who should it be directed to
- Affective state – can we detect the mental state of the
user. We can model with some approximation from i.e. user’s
speech – positive and negative sentiment
- Problem – what do we do after that. After we’ve found out if the user is happy or not, back to the application and how are we gonna change it?
- User location – where is the user and what do I know about
that. i.e noise level
- You only bring one parameter of context each time
- No social context and physical environment together, bc we don’t know how to deal with so many things
- E.g. medicine – we don’t give handful of medicine we give pill by poll
- We isolate parameter by parameter to see what works
- + While not totally about the user, the addition of the context makes adaptation more effective
Dimensions of context
- Can take it from the context of the user (right) and see how far you
can stretch further
- Task/ goal
- Personal context – interesting coz it can bring issues like disability, mobility and vision
- Social context – anything about the time, location
- Overall platform/ ecosystem
- Time/ location - when, where, how long they’ve got
- Physical env – noise? Dim?
- OR take it from the context of the device (left) and see how far you
can stretch further
- Capability of the device – we use the performance of the
- E.g. smart watches – very limited screen, so need to be aware of that
- Environment context – noise, pollution, movement, crowd
- Human context – what are the influences that may affect the person?
- Capability of the device – we use the performance of the
Can start with something that is easy to capture and handle (task/goal, device) and you stretch further
- Q - Personalised travel assistant – which context dimensions will
you use? Past exam Q
- From the user model – some demographic, INTEREST about places! main thing
- Personal context – mobility problems? (imp in this case)
- If they have respiratory problem, it can affect it Rec becomes useless if they’ve got problems and it could rather remind them
- Social context – who they are with, as they exhibit diff behaviours if they are going museum alone and when they are with someone else
- Time location – when, where, how long they’ve got
An example of User model/ profile
- Demographic - Name, age, nationality, education level
- User interest - List of key words, list of topics
- User preferences - Disabilities, preferred interaction style, preferred media
Summary on user model representation (about 2 lectures)
- User model can include a range of parameters:
- Knowledge, interests, goals and tasks, background, individual traits, context of work
- In class
- Overlaying with existing / external knowledge base
- Different ways of representing a model – taxonomy, graph, table
- Easy to model goals but is hard to find out whereabouts the user is in achieving that goal
- User model is for ADAPTATION!
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