Example: User engagement modelling
1. User engagement
2. Metrics
3. Interpretations
Metrics, engagement and personalisation
- Talk from Mounia Lalmas – spotify’s Head of personalisation
1. User engagement
User engagement: The quality of the user experience that emphasizes the positive aspects of interaction |
- How to measure the positive experience
- In particular, the fact of wanting to stay on the side of the technology for longer and often; hence leading to loyal users
Why is user engagement important?
- + Can make the user become loyal
- + You can collect more data about the user and can improve on the service
- + User paying for more services
- + User advertising to other people if they have a positive experience
- question to ask is why am I doing?
Mounia’s answer; Why is user engagement important?
- Users have increasingly enhanced expectations about their
interactions with technology
- This leads to increase competition amongst the providers with other services
- Utilitarian factors such as usability experiential factors of interactions (e.g. fun, fulfilment) user engagement
User engagement lifecycle
- New users
- Active users
- There’s a period where the users are active – they can stay engaged or can be disengaged. Some of them can be re-engaged
- With user’s behaviour, you can estimate if the person is likely to be engaged/ disengaged based on their interaction
- Dormant user – can be re-engaged or churn
- We need to understand the rectangle!! Of the active user in order to keep users engaged
2. Metrics
Measurements metrics performance indicators key slide
Measurement | Metric | Key Performance Indicator (KPI) |
process of obtaining one or more quantity values that can reasonably be attributed to a quantity (number) | Metric is a calculation of the measurement
Quantifiable measure demonstrating how effectively key business objectives are being achieved
e.g. clicks on a link (number of clicks) | E.g. (clicks on a link / views of the link) click through rate | E.g. conversion rate – downloads divided by total clicks |
- measurement and KPI lies !! parallel !!
We need several metrics - from what we measure to something meaningful/ clever
- Games – users spend a long time per visit
- SNS – users come frequently and stay long
- Search – frequent and short
- Niche – once a week
- News – come periodically
3. Interpretations
1. Abandonment in search – when there is no click on the search result page
- Satisfied – user clicks and abandon; good abandonment
Dissatisfied – didn’t get what they want; bad abandonment
- Measuring abandonment
- Cursor trail length – total distance travelled by cursor on
search result page
- Short for good abandonment
- Movement time – total time cursor moved on the search result
- Longer when answers in snippet
- Cursor speed – average cursor speed
- Slower when answer is in snippet – good abandonment
- Cursor trail length – total distance travelled by cursor on
search result page
- Total time spent on search result page
2. Dwell time in search
- Better proxy for user interest on a news article than click
- E.g. open a link and how long do you spend to look at the link; not
moving the cursor but staying in the link
- Indicat es that user is engaged
3. Dwell time in search: Eye tracking
- Since dwell time is so important they are combining w Eye tracking
- Can determine bad or good abandonment
- With the tracking can determine if the user is reading the article or if they got lost
- Relevant document vs irrelevant document
- Left - Engaged w particular document – positive abandonment
- Right – lost – negative engagement
- areas and duration of fixation
- The trajectory of the eye
- Allow us to know the sequence of the area user is focused on
- Left – how much time user has spent in each area (e.g. menu, content etc)
- Right – more engaged coz its more strategic
- WHERE they looked at + for HOW LONG + TRAJECTORY engagement of the user
- User engagement is applied to:
- Advertisements
- Office environment to monitor workers
- Main points
- User engagement has a lifecycle
- By separating the lifecycle, the team knows where to improve and what to focus on and divide up the work
- Metrics depend on the context – in terms of what you want to personalise
- User engagement has a lifecycle
- Detecting and understanding implicit signals of user satisfaction are essential for enhancing the quality of recommendations
Applying to YouTube
- What to measure
- Click time
- Watch time
- What is shown to the user and what the user clicks
- Likes, watch history
- *Metadata about the videos
- Topic, authors, likes
- Performance indicators
- Engagement (watch at least one video)
- Click on at least one advertisement from video
- Type of content user is interested in
- Metrics
- Attention – whenabouts people leave the vid
- Click through rate
- If they can predict how long people stay in the vid
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