Recommender systems (Part 1) – Knowledge-based recommenders

5 minute read


The CHIP Project - bridging the gap between virtual and physical museum experience

  • Rijksmuseum Amsterdam offers
    • 7000 artworks in the museum
    • 50000 artworks online
  • They have broad pool of users – schools, students, normal people have everything required for recommender system

Vision: Personal museum guide in your pocket

  • They decided to work together with the scientists and was looking at how people go through this massive
  • Need to come up with a vision when creating the project – what will you add to the user experience
    • Came out with the idea of personal museum guide – When you go to a museum you can have a personal guide and the guide creates a narrower museum
      • - But doesn’t scale and not tailored to various types of users
    • Take the metaphor of having a personal guide and develop a mobile guide
  • What will a guide be? What do they do? Features of guides
    • Personal guide knows about the artworks and paintings – has the domain knowledge
    • Ability to identify what user might be interested with, from limited interactions
    • Can recommend paintings and explain based on what they know about the world and the user

CHIP tools

  • What are the personalisation features?
  • When you are in the digital space, online mostly have recommender systems
    • Art recommender - You look at one painting and it shows other thing to see and recommends you painting and information
      • artworks and art concepts recommendations
    • Tour wizard - In the virtual space, they can give you a tour guide – not just one painting, but shows sequels of paintings
      • managing and visualising museum tours
    • Mobile museum guide - As a mobile museum tour guide – identifies where you are in the museum
      • guiding the user inside the museum

Knowledge Graph: Semantically Enriched Museum Data

  • image
  • Behind this recommender system – it is knowledge based.
  • First component before developing personalised app, is the knowledge
  • Snippet of the knowledge model – computer scientist together with curators worked together to identify the core knowledge required for painting rec
  • They used concepts – graph-based models – and concepts are linked with relationships and relationships are named
    • Creator has place – birthplace and deathplace
  • Have implicit relationships - Once you have the knowledge base, you can infer
    • Can infer style of the author, painting etc bc there’s a connection
  • Powerful knowledge model that tells about the world but this is NOT the recommender. Now need to bring this to the recommender

Discovering connections via reasoning

  • How can you bring this external knowledge to help you to explore the paintings
  • Based on the metadata mapped with the external knowledge, you can bring other paintings bc they share some similarities with the same metadata
    • Having the knowledge model allows you to bring the content to filter what the most relevant is to the painting
  • Eg
    • Painting has relation to other 2 painters (teacher, student etc)
    • Painting showing portrait, military scenes etc
    • Exploring all different aspects by looking at one painting, due to the relationships
    • Not personalised, but it enriches the space
  • Can talk about much smaller pool to recommend to the user. Still need to evaluate what’s relevant to the user user model comes in.
  • Then you need to think about mapping the content and the user model

User profile building

  • Problem with cold start – need to know about the user and map the user to the content
  • How are you going to create the user profile?
    • Can look at the browsing history of the user and rate the things
    • Sometimes we ask explicitly to rate the paintings.
    • The paintings shown to the users are not just random paintings; it is selected in a way that different area of the knowledge graph is being identified
  • Gives user model and we think you’d be interested in these topics – all that is the top categories under the knowledge model
    • End up with showing the user a list of keywords that they are interested in
    • It can tell me why! Based on which rating and why has it inferred that I might be interested in x
  • Cold start is solved by explicit rating
  • Use model now has = graph of user interests + graphs with painting information - overlap

Art recommender

  • They are looking at similarity metrics
  • They have to decide if this painting is going to interest the user – how similar this is to user parameter
    • How you map user model to the painting model for each of the painting
  • And based on that it decides how its going to recommend – it shows the relevance of the painting
    • All the descriptions of the painting and some weight, to what extent it is related to the user (which user already approved)
    • You can map directly the user characteristics; but you can look further - How much you are propagating with thin the graph, given the concept about the painting within the graph
  • Also recommends other artwork that is related to the PAININTG not the user – gives diversity but still has relevance

Artwork description

  • Once you have the knowledge, can automatically generate description of the painting with the metadata
  • Then decide within the description, what to show as important and what to suppress another level of personalisation ‼
    • Knowledge model allows to do that as it identifies parameters and it amplifies the important info more
  • Knowledge allows:
    • To describe why something has been recommended
    • Allows you to diversify and to recommends other paintings
    • Allow you to automatically generate description that is tailored to the user (CBF won’t allow this)

Summary: Knowledge based filtering

  • Need to get a good knowledge graph to implement the recommender
  • They build on content-based filtering – user profile and information about the content
  • But to bring in the knowledge model of the world
  • Content, user AND knowledge – powerful
  • Main advantage - reasoning!!
    • You can infer things – and user tend to trust the recommendations that way
    • Can diversify user’s experience
  • Main limitation
    • We still have the cold start problem
    • Need to prepare the content and mapping
  • Without the knowledge, can’t do the recommender! Time to get some knowledge and map it to the model

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